A bit of fun...

Here are some wise tips from Father Michel so that you and your family can have a very merry Christmas... Preferably, avoid dancing near the tree or even with your tree during a family reunion. Especially if you have consumed a little too much alcohol... To tell the truth, avoid dancing at all with the tree, regardless of the consumption... Second, do not put any alcohol in the water for your tree. There is nothing more difficult than lifting a fir tree that is struggling to stay upright... rather keep the alcohol to yourself in order to have a happier time (depending on your visit of course...) Third, don't light a cigarette or a joint near the tree. Especially if you have consumed a little too much alcohol beforehand... fir tree resin... it burns!! And finally, Father Michel advises you to get information from your borough, in order to know the date of recovery of the fir trees. Please don't throw your tree out the window in a panic if you see the truck in the distance. Plan ahead and be responsible....

père michel